Wednesday, August 19, 2009

5th Card: Unicorn

the unicorn is a mythical creature. This fabled creature is considered symbolic of virginity and usually represented as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.

Earliest references, of the unicorn portray it as fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. The unicorn could only be captured by deception; the single horn is believed to be able to neutralize poison (Wikipedia). This may be a reflection of our unconscious self, sometimes only sensed emerging indirectly into our consciousness

The Unicorn in this picture, is just look so handsome, attracive, lovely and strong. Unicorn is heading to my left hand side, forehead to front like waiting to fly.
Where is the unicorn exist? is it exist in the deep forest? is Unicorn able to fly? i always see in movie unicorn can fly.... where is the wing? maybe the wing is invissible. we can't see via normal eyesight!

1 comment:

  1. In card 5 is there any theme or pattern that repeats itself in reference to the previous cards. White, virgin, solitary etc as in card 1 the difference is now the horse is a symbol of power, freedom, strength, nobility, beauty and grace etc. White Horse may also mean light, sun, day, vitality, illumination, resurrection, messenger of birth. Is this a sign leading to the resurrection of the repressed feminine power within the unconscious?
