Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Review,Reflec, Revise

THERAPEUTIC USE OF STORY TELLING MODULE really a big challenge for me! I like story, i like to write about my own story, experience, and i used to kept my personal diary since secondary school, and i still practice it. Now i got a lot of diary book, all recording my past, the history of yesterday!

In this challenge, i choose to be here, stay in where i work now, where i be now. previously, i do not think of being in this job position, but there is always a reason behind, WHY people choose to be in this, make sense isn't it? people always have their own reason for what they are doing.

in the 6 part story, the shadow, i picked the mountain, 2nd card.
actually i am quite blur, that time, as i am rushing back from other place.

i do not know what to say " and i say
"The lake dragon was surrounding by the most harmony mountain, and this mountain was used to be as the GOD of TATA, the god of mountain protect the harmony land which the ladies stayed, and it also kept an eye on the black dragon."

Alex feedback, NO, it is about the task! the first card is the main character, then, the 2nd card should be the task, the duty, what the main character need to do?
o... i really do not know what to say, my mind is blank.... and Alex keep asked what is the main character doing? with the card??

so, i need to quickly crack my head and think of a sentence..
"The girl was the guardian of the black dragon. the ladies need to sing in the lake everyday as the villagers believed if she did not do so, it would bring disaster to the village. Only her sweet voice need to sung every evening to comfort the dragon."

the mountain actually had been appear in my personal sandplay
this time, the mountain come again! would be a co-inciddent?
or it is just my personal collective unconscious?
What is the "mountain" for me? How is the "mountain" related to my shadow? Who is be with the mountain? Where is the "mountain" of mine, and How the "mountain: significant to myself? what is inside the mountain? where is the mountain? is there anything interesting?

notes J.C. Cooper,Mountains "are associated with sun, rain and thunder gods and, in early traditions of the feminine godhead, the mountain was the earth and female, with the sky, clouds, thunder and lightning as the fecundating male."

wider imagery of the story, the setting that contains the potential "energy seeds" - dragon - is in the water - lake not in the mountains. If the protagonist is a female (feminine) in the first card, she is looking towards the valley - water/lake (feminine) and not upwards towards the mountain.So the task that is being communicated by the unconscious if it is spiritual, the answer may lies in the water"

i am wondering too... what is this about my mountain, the lake (water) and the dragon..... lies in the water
trying to search to look deep inside... to read it, to understand, to analyze, to intepret ... ...

from the Psychological Meaning:
Mountains represent the lofty, planes of consciousness. It is the realm of the ‘higher self’, the part of you that has higher, transcendent knowledge. If i am dreaming of being at the top of a mountain may show how you now feel that you have risen above the common routines of life and achieved something with spiritual meaning. Conversely, it may show your desire to do this. Mountains can also indicate that you are in touch with or thinking about the higher dimensions of reality. In particular you may be thinking in a positive way about death and the afterlife. On a more mundane level, climbing a mountain may symbolise your sense of achievement and the arduous effort needed for a long-term undertaking. You are on the slippery slopes to success and have the self-determination to reach the summit.

hmm.. does it make sense to me? this is really co-incident again? when we are doing the group reflection, Pris keep us hurry, faster, doing the reflection, as the group need to do the intepretation of the story we create.

i say" I think if looking down from the top of the mountain must be very nice scene. perfect... but, thinking of climbing up the hill, actually make me fear"

what is the fear? as pris asked me to look at the fear, what's the fear is like, actually i am scared of myself!
surprisingly, i have the fear that i afraid i am not able to cope the challenge, the cppd challenge, i can hear my inner self shivering , how do i going to climb up to the top of the mountain? the achievement, the acknowledgment to myself, the place of the dream.... which seeker, thirst for it.... ....i think, i do not want to stay at the bottom of the mountain, i want to reach at the top of the mountain... it's seem i am not satify with what i have now only, the learning is so much... so many things to learn.... maybe there is another mountain again?? but this is the journey.... no rushing...at least i try to go up, and have the different view... walk down to mountain actually is another fear too... slow slow lah... when i am able to walk, i will walk.... walk untill the day can't walk lor...

maybe, i am thinking of upgrading my skill, my knowledge, my profession, to another level,
and i am like a seeker... searching for calmness, meaning, achievement, the soul....... looking for another one of ME!

it make sense???

i am wondering too...
my mountain, the lake (water) and the dragon..... lies in the water


  1. Hi I-ling, I always like to read what u have written with my heart rather my head. For me its another learning ... because u are always the one who goes into more research, it helps me as I m more a practical person. My learning mainly with people I meet, sometimes being caught in and realized it, pause and move on...
    "and i am like a seeker... searching for calmness, meaning, achievement, the soul....... looking for another one of ME!" --thanks for this message...

  2. To me mountain will always be there for me to climb seeking knowledge, it will be never ending if it comes to knowledge. Like you I will be climbing mountain to mountain but for sure I know deep inside me you all will provide a trail for me to follow. Slowly step by step I will climb. For me I regreted that started too late in my life, not like you, you have so many wonderful young years.

  3. The cycle of reflecting, reviewing and revising is a constant spiral process which in the turning of the circle, you come to where you start but a further point then where you begin. Come back to your reflection again and you find you will probably move that further when you return to each cycle of reflection,
