Tuesday, September 8, 2009

puppet show.....

Thank you Pris for upload in Youtube.

i am sorry be late to put this up.
hope you all enjoy watching this show :)


  1. Hi I-ling,

    Late better than never, save the best show last...I watched it many times and especially the song, and of course your voice changing from 1 character to another... m sure the 'Teng-lung' will enjoyed it too and wonders "eH, NA shi Ding seow chieh ma?
    Hope to see more puppet show from you when u r free...
    You handled the monkey puppet very well and gave it fame when the original owner threw it out to the recycling center...It was chuck with a bag of old toys when I spotted it...

  2. thankx a lot, for the support and the work that you do, to you all, melinda, seok binn, phaik nee and cheng! cheers... and congrates to us as we able to overcome the mission. haha... ...
    let's continue our journey again...

  3. Thank you very much for the lovely show. Congratulations for all the effort and time you have given over to produce this show...its well worth it. Hope you will continue to enjoy playing with puppets and story telling. Well done.
