Tuesday, June 8, 2010

storytelling project in children Home

actually i find a little bit uneasy at first
my workplace put whole burden on me and count on me to conduct a storytelling project in a home in this school holiday
suppose, i am not the one who do the write up for proposal
and till last minute
the person who do the write up just pass to me and "dissapear"
meaning the person who did the job are away, and let me to continue with the work...
time was given only not more thant 7 days
i am panic actually

i remember, when i am online fews day ago,
i had meet with Pris, and asked some of the questions
generate ideas from her, what can i do ( i already foresee i am going to lead this show, take the whole responsibility)
yesterday, when i am in the workshop with solution focused based counselling, my superior call and tell me to lead this. (my feeling is true)

then... how r???
i gotta do it no matter how....
what i am afraid is, my teamate in my workplace are unable to catch up the concept of story telling and not as energetic as my ALS members who is so lovely and willing to contribute.

it's a fear, a deep tension in myself
i practice relaxation breathing, in and out, to let myself cool down.
figure out, WHAT can i DO now...
How to Use Limited resource to make the story telling allive
and WHAT is the message i will need to bring to the target group?

and one things make me concern is, my company running out of budget, i am not sure whether there will be any funds allocate in this project?? hmm... i start to make a thought of that.

the tentative program i planned as below

8.00 am: registration
8.30 am: One story i KNOW
10.00 am: Break/tea
10.30 am: Live Puppet show
11.30 am:
1.00 noon: rest/lunch
2.30 noon: the story of alligator/in black and light up candle
4.30 petang review/closing down/goodbye

8.30 am slot: The One Story I Know activities
i plan to asked all the child sit in a circle, then each child to tell a story told to them that they can remember by someone, by granmother/father, (nenek ka) or whoever....
this is useful to access children's level... (as discussed with priscila on SKYPE)

then after that maybe can go no-directive way in group/pair
( i afraid this activity need facilitator to guide the child, and most of the facilitator are not knowing what is storytelling about.......)
Priscilla also mentioned to me before: if the children r shy, then both can do a story together in a majong sheet. taking turns to draw...

i will see how, if One Story I Know activity take not longer time, then i shall just go into live puppet show with stage. if yes, i shall let the story finished then make some adjustment

11.00 am slot:
i am thinking of using the story: Taffy and the Invisible Magic Bandage by Nanvy
this is because many of them had a lot of secrect which can't tell some time
and i would like to use this story telling as a generalizer - make this as commom things, secrect need to tell, so hurt can be lesser

2.30 pm slot:  The story of alligator
i planned to used the story which i went for a workshop on storytelling "Power of the tale" conducted by Jo Kukathas on 14th December 2009
it's a one man show.... i will be the person who control the show....

haiz/// so, now, i am less worried
as i had some plan, a big picture to go.....
just i need to let my teamate understand about it

hmm...i pray hard, so that everything goes smoothly


  1. Now after the darken cloud has gone, you can see better, bravo. I will support you - ahem mentally only-lah. Now, you can set up one-man show project, by yourself. Wish that I am able to join you, to ease your burden.

  2. Hi, Melinda Jie Jie....
    Thank You for your support :) mentally... it's good enough
    u know, sometime mentally support in important in physicall support :)

    some of my teammate in workplace they help me with hardware support, and preparing the venue, so, still a bit relief.. :P
    PS: i thought of making a puppet for them, but yet, limited budget was count in....so, start with this first, next level, will make a puppet for themselves

  3. ILing, why don't you seek me out, you are welcome to chat with me if you need some direction and/or suggestions.....I'm not inaccessible. Basic principles of storytelling and groupwork should provide some guidance. 1) What are the aims and objectives for your one day session? Is it to engender interest and motivation to ascertain if a longer project through storytelling could be implemented? etc etc. What is the age or developmental range of the audience/particiapnts/clients etc. i.e. at what level or interaction are they going to be engaged in - with each other, the group, teh facilitator? Are you hoping to use the Warm-Up, Developement/Action, Closure model for the day??? Provide safety, enjoyment, and affirmation in the initial phase, think about aesthetic distance, don't expose them to too early a challenge as it will impact on group trust and cohesion if they can't managed their anxieties. Use snowballing, structured activities, affiming and validating activities and in story content and themes, provide stimulus for creativity and imagination as potential grounding and foundation, allow group the familiarity of the landscape of story telling. Go for the aesthetic or expressive side first in introducing the medium before the therapeutic side. Welcome to get in touch. Best of luck!!! Let us know how you got on.
